2025-02-06: Astar Asset Guide – How to Withdraw ASTR tokens on Astar Mainnet

This guide is for users who deposited ASTR on Astar Mainnet and wish to withdraw it back to Astar Mainnet. Since direct withdrawal is not available, users must first bridge to Soneium and then bridge back to Astar Mainnet using the steps below.

Steps to Withdraw ASTR to Astar Mainnet

1. Bridge to Soneium

  • Go to the Astar Vault page on the Yay! Dashboard.

  • Bridge your ASTR tokens from Astar Mainnet to Soneium.

2. Bridge Back to Astar Mainnet

  • Use the Astar Portal Bridge to transfer your ASTR tokens from Soneium back to Astar Mainnet.

  • Astar Portal: Bridge Here

Benefits of Keeping ASTR on Soneium

While withdrawal is possible, we encourage users to keep their ASTR tokens on Soneium for the following benefits:

  • Users who bridge ASTR to Soneium continue earning points.

  • ASTR tokens on Soneium provide a 10x point boost via the Yay! Dashboard.

Things to Know Before Bridging Back

  • ASTR on Astar Mainnet will no longer earn points on the Yay! Dashboard.

  • Yay! will cover the bridging fee (0.0001 ETH) for users who have deposited ASTR through Yay! Dashboard and have not yet bridged to Soneium and bridge back to Astar EVM. If you wish to proceed, please submit the required information via the form.

    • Apply for Bridging Fee Support: Form (available until March 31 2025, 23:59 JST)

If you have any questions please reach us here. Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Last updated