Pal Purchases as the Driver of Tokenomics
The most important aspect of Yay!’s tokenomics is how much demand for Pals can be generated by Yay! users. The following four factors are critical to this objective
Increasing the number of Yay! users
Being able to experience cost-effectiveness by holding Pals and acquiring EMPL
Ensuring simple procedures for any experience
Providing attractive Yay! services, and ensuring users feel the connections they make are of value.
As Pal demand grows, we expect to see synergy between stakeholders driving favorable outcomes as follows
Pal holders will contribute to the community and receive rewards
Genesis holders will earn income by maintaining liquidity by supplying pals to the pool and selling on the marketplace
Yay! will generate revenue from advertising and other billed components, generating further returns for the community.
Ensuring that our token economy functions smoothly depends more than anything else on the creation of a place where users enjoy and feel like contributing to the Yay! community—a place where users understand how Pals work and the risks associated with them, and purchase Pals and earn from their contributions to make the community an even better place for everyone.
As such, all stakeholders involved in Yay!’s tokenomics need to view the improvement of Pal holders’ experiences—in other words, the quality of the Yay! platform itself—as their biggest priority, and work together in an all-out effort to enhance services from the user perspective.
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