Pal Life Spans and Beyond
Life Span Overview
All Pals will survive for a certain number of days
After this period, each Pal has a fixed probability of dying each day
The higher the rarity of a Pal, the longer its lifespan
Pals that have ascended to heaven cannot join races
Keeping those Pals in heaven may trigger special events
The Reason for the Pal Life Span
The below cycle can be observed in typical GameFi:
NFTs continue to increase
New users stop coming
NFTs stop being purchased
New NFTs stop being issued
Tokens needed for issuing NFTs stop being consumed
The supply and demand of tokens falls out of balance
In order to prevent this kind of cycle from forming within Yay!, we will create a sustainable token economy according to the below design:
By setting a fixed life span for Pals, users will be able to acquire rewards in shorter periods of time
The supply and demand will be continuously stimulated not only by new users but also by previous Pal owners
Pals will continuously be issued
Tokens will continuously be consumed
The supply-and-demand for tokens will be balanced and maintained
Last updated